The 2024 course is launching soon. Keep an eye out for advertisement of course

Defence Sparx is an exciting innovation training programme in which participants develop creative solutions to address real challenges in the Defence Forces and Department of Defence.

The programme is structured, immersive and hands-on. Experts guide and support participants as they work in small teams to develop an effective solution to an assigned real-world challenge faced by the organisation. Teams reach a point where they pitch the opportunity to decision-makers within Defence for further support to implement a prototype of their solution.

Through the Defence Sparx programme participants develop important innovation skills and broadened perspective, enabling them to approach all types of problems in a better way.

The programme is delivered through a blend of on-site and virtual programme days. Find out the programme schedule here.   

On-site days are delivered in the Guinness Enterprise Centre, one of Ireland's leading business incubator and 'start-up' hubs.

Is this for me?

How are people selected?

Defence Sparx 2022: Check out the projects

In early October 2022,  24 members of the Defence Forces and the Department of Defence came together to form five teams and identify a challenge that they wanted to tackle together. 

They’ve worked onsite at the Guinness Enterprise Centre and collaborated remotely to figure out the potential of their ideas to transform an area within the Defence Forces and Department of Defence. They’ve been on a journey of ideation and discovery, validation and evaluation. 

The teams pitched their final propositions to the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces and Secretary General of the Department of Defence.

Three of the five teams were successful in receiving Senior Leadership support for the prototyping or trialing of their proposals. This will enable the impact of the solution to be evaluated, informing any future scaling and roll-out.

What is the benefit of participating?

Learn from the experts.

Defence Sparx is facilitated by Furthr.

The experts at Furthr have decades of experience in empowering entrepreneurs to start and scale new businesses by providing accelerator programmes required to advance their ambitions. 

Defence Sparx is a platform to engage soldiers, sailors, aviators and civil servants in work that is challenging and meaningful by creating intrapreneurs within Defence. Intrapreneurs are problem solvers, self-starters and innovative within a large organisation. Intrapreneurs in Defence will enable the organisation to effectively accelerate and manage the change that lies ahead. 

Furthr's  expertise is now applied to develop intrapreneurship in Defence.